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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 6 February 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                          account name: gael.icism
                        sea–born & sea–doomed,
the surreal lays in reality —— here on earth ——
the surreal lays in reality —— here on earth ——
land of the sun ——
land of the sun ——
life is a spiral —— A constant cycle of death, birth, rebirth
life is a spiral —— A constant cycle of death, birth, rebirth
magic is inherently anti-capitalist ——
magic is inherently anti-capitalist ——
A 600–year–old tree, &, Machú
A 600–year–old tree, &, Machú
pools of ʻOheʼo
pools of ʻOheʼo
to be intimate with the earth —
to be intimate with the earth —
midsummerʼs morning, —— Blue sky, and the sun dancing on the water
midsummerʼs morning, —— Blue sky, and the sun dancing on the water
to let the blues swallow you —; to fall into your own depth — to submerge and sink
to let the blues swallow you —
déjame aquí
déjame aquí
rituals —— roots —— & space —— for magic
rituals —— roots —— & space —— for magic

Comentarii album • 19
GaelAnaya 12 February 2022  
pain &pleasure go hand in hand they say
GaelAnaya 11 February 2022  
yeahh jagger my intention exactly
DurantLievChiminosear 9 February 2022  
there are no compliments needed.
you're the most beautiful, alluring and insanely gorgeous creature that ever existed on the earth-.
GaelAnaya 10 February 2022  
and youʼre the gentlest, sweetest &charmingest one
DurantLievChiminosear 10 February 2022  
I'm all blushy-blushy, Gael >///<
SeksJagger 8 February 2022  
what records are playing over your body
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
your fathers
SeksJagger 9 February 2022  
if you like the father you like the son …
AxlMoore 8 February 2022  
wanna see my record collection hot exotic chick?
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
if itʼs big enough,
not worth the hassle otherwise
AxlMoore 9 February 2022  
oh its big
come over and i can show you
SechsAlastor 8 February 2022  
u wanna be lil nas x in my hell and aztec dance in my lap?
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
I think not
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
no, Atlas– thatʼs not Samara,
you mustʼve seen your own reflection
AtlasEbner 8 February 2022  
Are you sure? Because you're the one who looks like she just crawled up from a well.
GaelAnaya 8 February 2022  
mustʼve been a wishing well then
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